Price Hike$


While a medicine may be widely available, if it cost more than the your monthly wage it is really accessible?

Price hikes are sudden or large increases in medicine prices, often triggered by pharmaceutical companies attempts to make larger profits. These can be a significant cause of price increase, making certain medicines not accessible for large populations.

We’ve created this challenge to investigating how the affordability of the essential medicines affects their global accessibility. In this challenge you’ll be tasked with choosing an essential medicine, searching for its pricing information online and investigating any price hikes or decreases.


If it is your first time taking one of our challenges, you’ll need to register. Once you’ve registered, you’ll be sent a personal code via email that you can use to access all the challenges.

About Price Hike$


Price hike invites you to a mission in the pursuit of information about medicine pricing. 

In 2015 pyrimethamine, sold under the brand name Daraprim, was the subject of a price hike. Overnight the price of a single tablet went from 13.50 USD to 750 USD (we’re serious, google it!). While pharmaceutical companies need to cover the costs of manufacturing medicines as well as their research and development that leads to these life changing medicines, it is equally important to ensure that those who need these medicines have access to them.


One of the goals of E$$ENTIAL MEDICINE$ is to increase the availability, accessibility and affordability of essential medicine to people around the world. But to do this, we first need to identify those medicines which are not available, accessible and/or affordable. This is why we are interested in collecting information on medicine pricing and in particular on price hikes.

Find out more about our other challenges below!